Dec 28, 2021

Brittany ParilSr. Manager, Demand Gen & Marketing Ops

5 Marketing Tactics to Improve Brand Performance

No business activity is worth executing if it’s unable to keep or maintain your stead in the marketplace. This notion is why branding is adamantly used in the business world. Its ability to frequently benefit organizations is why 57% of U.S. companies view strengthening their brand as a leading business objective. To ensure branding efforts are…


No business activity is worth executing if it’s unable to keep or maintain your stead in the marketplace. This notion is why branding is adamantly used in the business world. Its ability to frequently benefit organizations is why 57% of U.S. companies view strengthening their brand as a leading business objective. To ensure branding efforts are working, tactics known as brand delivery and brand performance must be observed. Brand delivery focuses on how branding is executed during marketing campaigns. The campaign results are then used to calculate brand performance or branding’s effectiveness at garnering positive business outcomes. To help streamline success, here are five marketing methods to determine whether your branding promotes proper performance and delivery.

Decode the Consumer Mindset

Businesses are responsible for providing concise communications to their customers. To do so, customers’ points of view must be acknowledged. What factors cause consumers to complete a purchase? What necessities or wants do buyers have when in-market for a product? Brand messaging that acknowledges the target market’s preferences and needs is a major factor of brand delivery and performance. By gathering buyer demographics and behavioral data, you are able to profile key consumers and produce branding strategies that enable ads to better proposition offerings based on what appeals to customers.

Diversify Ad Formatting

Static image overuse can lead to stagnant campaign performance due to audiences experiencing a “been there, seen that” feeling. Luckily, digital advertising has expanded beyond single image inventory. Taking advantage of video and gif formats broadens a brand’s storytelling capabilities. As a result of using these richer, more in-depth forms of content, branding can gain heightened viewability while igniting more purchase intent thanks to visually enhanced messaging.

Adapt Cross-Device Planning

Relevancy is a fundamental responsibility that brands owe their customer base. However, maintaining relevance requires being open to audiences’ changing interests. One such interest is audience preference for content consumption. In total, the average internet user now spends almost 7 hours per day using the internet across all devices, equating to more than 48 hours per week online – that’s a full two days out of a seven-day week. Technology’s steady ubiquity and evolution mean branding must be deliverable beyond a single platform. Assisted by device type and device usage data research, you can organize a thorough cross-device strategy to elevate brand delivery and performance on every major device.

Set Campaign Goals

Ad campaigns are especially reliant on branding. A company producing branded content that properly engages and inspires proactivity among target consumers correlates with a campaign’s ability to drive optimal results. To ensure branding is driving optimization, you must monitor any captured user interactions. Prior to launch, set goals based on what interactions you hope to earn (clicks, impressions, sign-ups, page redirects, etc.) and what results you want each interaction to drive. Every goal will act as performance guidelines to determine if live campaigns are meeting expectations. Identify the branded elements of high-performing campaigns in order to ensure those same elements are included in future launches, increasing their probability of achieving maximum optimization.

Retarget the Masses

Let’s face it, buyers have a habit of ghosting organizations, even after engaging their product suite. This fickle behavior hinders companies’ ability to push consumers through the purchase funnel, resulting in unfinished transactions, dead-end leads, and lackluster sales performance. Luckily, branding can aid in winning more business from engaged but uninvested individuals with retargeting. Using pre-curated insights from past brand campaigns, profile the audiences who interacted with your content. Reacquaint your business to potential buyers by coupling quality brand content with special sentiments such as personalized messages or deals on certain offerings. Not only will you be promoting brand recall, but recording the number of purchases and reactivated customers gained will help determine your branding’s efficiency at being action-invoking content for retargeting ventures.

Bottom Line

Each marketing tactic does indeed improve brand performance and delivery, but the true value of these tactics is how they alert companies of their brand’s worth. Branding goes beyond selecting a logo or catchphrase; it is the act of presenting your company in a thorough, recognizable manner within its industry and toward target audiences. When executing these marketing tactics, you are utilizing learning tools that rejuvenate your awareness of which branding decisions drive benchmark results. In turn, the usage of these strategies helps access a roadmap to overall branding success.

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