Oct 24, 2022

Mental Health Week 2022 Recap

Last week, in honor of World Mental Health Day (October 10th), Harmony—our social responsibility team, hosted our fifth annual (and third virtual) Mental Health Week. Mental Health Week is an initiative designed to encourage Remediers to discover ways to improve and maintain their mental health in the workplace/while working from home. We took each day to…


Last week, in honor of World Mental Health Day (October 10th), Harmony—our social responsibility team, hosted our fifth annual (and third virtual) Mental Health Week. Mental Health Week is an initiative designed to encourage Remediers to discover ways to improve and maintain their mental health in the workplace/while working from home.

We took each day to focus on a different aspect of mental health and wellness, aiming to provide a well-rounded experience and a healthy and happy environment for all of our employees. Team members received daily communications of activities, along with tips and additional resources to promote mental health. Here’s a look at what we planned:

Monday: Nourish

We kicked off the week with an invitation to create personal snack boxes via SnackMagic, a service that lets people build their boxes, choosing from a menu of 2k+ delicious (and nutritious) options—sent directly to their homes.

We shared links for all employees to submit Sunshine Notes, an optional, anonymous message to help brighten someone’s day and spread positivity. Remediers could tell coworkers how valuable they are to the team, share how much they enjoy working together, or give a special shoutout for their hard work on a project. The Harmony Team collected the Sunshine Notes throughout the week and distributed them to each respective recipient on Friday.

Tuesday: Healthy Mind

Tuesday’s focus was on creating a tidy and zen workspace. We also shared a roundup of meditation apps. We encouraged the use of our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) program, which offers a variety of free and confidential resources available to employees and their family members. Some resources included are a 24/7 emotional support helpline with a licensed therapist, guidance for leadership, mental health resources, and much more. Additionally, as part of a mini-series, we hosted an optional webinar titled “Managing Employees Wellness and Well-Being” for all Digital Remedy managers to discuss the importance of not only supporting work performance but also the overall quality of life of their direct reports. 

Wednesday: Healthy Body

Wednesday focused on a strong body with a roundup of workout apps that Remediers could do at their own pace. To finish the day feeling zen and balanced, an after-work virtual meditation and yoga session was available. 

Thursday: Nature

Thursday’s communications promoted taking walks and outdoor activities, along with sharing the importance of stretching and suggestions for 15-minute stretching breaks.

Friday: Healthy Soul

To end the week on a high note, we shared recipes for comfort food in preparation for the upcoming holiday season, and all Sunshine Notes were distributed. 

Employees were welcome to share their mental health week experience (how they prioritized self-care and, importantly, how they chose to fill their snack box!) on social media. We were thrilled to see team members across the country get involved. At Digital Remedy, we believe that our employees are our greatest asset. Supporting the mental and physical wellness of our Remediers while fostering a healthy workplace and work-life balance is—and always will be—a top priority. 

Be sure to follow Digital Remedy on LinkedIn and Instagram for more company updates.